In the spirit of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” pamphlets of the Revolutionary War Era, Modern Sense is a set of letters presented as a Revolutionary Peace offering, designed to serve the following purposes:
To create a Constitutional Democracy within the Democratic Republic of the United States of America, whereby a government of the citizens, by the citizens and for the citizens would be established.
2. To use the democratic rights of petition, referendum and binding resolution to amend existing laws and to create new laws by which all people, citizen and non citizen alike, who reside, work in, or otherwise engage the social, political and economic life of the Republic shall do so in shared prosperity and tranquility.
To establish a three engine economic platform which assures the general well being of all citizens and residents of the nation, promoting a standard of universal equality in the pursuit of life, liberty, prosperity and opportunity.
To demonstrate a step by step roadmap to the completion of these aforementioned endeavors.
Files coming soon.
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